Circuit flight 360 video was recorded at St-Hyacinthe airport (Canada, Quebec). This is my first experience of 360 video recording during the flight!
To change direction of view use keyboard arrows, mouse or your finger (if you watching on your phone) 🙂
Circuit flight 360 video – some details
This flight was performed on Cessna 152 in Académie de l’Aviation St-Hyacinte (St-Hyacinthe aerodrome, CSU3). The main goal was to make several circuits and make a couple overshoots (go around) according PPL training.
In future publications, I will write more details about 360 video recording on aircraft, recording/sync audio, editing and render 360 video format.
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If you have any questions or comments, please write them below
Great images captured! Love the content, can’t wait to see the rest of your flight training in images
Thank you! I already have our flight video and now I am preparing for spin and spiral dive 🙂