PPL Training on a Cessna 172

PPL Training on a Cessna 172: Attitudes and Movements

You can watch a full video of PPL training on a Cessna 172. It is obligatory exercise for private pilots licence – Attitudes and movements.

This exercise included in the Flight Instructor Guide — Aeroplane — TP 975 of Transport Canada.

There are chapters on the video. Use chapters to watch a most interesting part of video for you.


  1. Taxiing
  2. Radio: Contact ground (Controlled airport, CYHU)
  3. Engine Run-Up
  4. Take off
  5. Heading to Boucherville VFR Exit Point
  6. How to keep altitude on C172
  7. Over Boucherville island
  8. Radio: Traffic advisory (over Repentigny City)
  9. Attitudes and movements
  10. Cessna 172 Limits
  11. Carburator Heater
  12. How to stabilize C172
  13. How trim Cessna 172
  14. Contrecœur city, Quebec
  15. Increasing altitude upt to 1800ft
  16. VFR approach CYHU 24L RWY
  17. Landing CYHU 24L

I usually record my PPL Training on a Cessna 172 just for fun and watch and detect my errors i.e. for study purposes… Although, this aircraft had not special mounting plate for my GoPro camera and the owner denied to install the mounting 🙁 Moreover, the flight school owner additionally came and checked the aircraft – did I installed GoPro camera (there is a special mount for GoPro with temporary glue) 🙂

PPL Training on a Cessna 172
Usually I install GoPro camera in Cessna 172 here

I found a metal “handle(?)” in the cockpit and used a special pin to fix the camera temporary.

Other PPL training videos

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