Cessna 172 Turns

Cessna 172: Turns

This video shows how to make turns in a Cessna 172…

I present another video of my PPL training – how to make turns in the Cessna 172. This training is mandatory for Private Pilot License course according Transport Canada. We took off from CYHU St-Hubert airport (CYHU). There is a GPS track in the video that shows time to time and you can see where the flight was exactly.

I received a very good experience in this flight. There was a nasty turn in the weather during the flight. For this reason we decided to go back as fast as possible!

“Go as fast as we can!”, said my instructor.

Video: how to make turns in the Cessna 172


You can choose most interesting chapter for you in the video:

  1. Engine start
  2. Listening of ATIS
  3. Radio: Ground contact
  4. Taxiing to the runway
  5. Engine Run-Up
  6. Before take off check list
  7. Radio: Warning about birds
  8. Lining up on the runway
  9. Radio: Take off clearance is received
  10. Take off
  11. Radio: CYHU tower contact
  12. Avoiding a town due to local people complains about aircraft’s noise
  13. Radio: CYHU tower contact us
  14. Radio: Change frequency to St-Mathias airport
  15. Climbing to 1800ft
  16. Radio: Frequency 126.7
  17. Increasing altitude after passing Saint-Jean-Baptiste
  18. Altitude 3000ft
  19. Cessna 172 – Turns (main training is started)
  20. CALT before 450 turns
  21. I perform turns
  22. Avoiding turns (indtructor)
  23. Minimum radius turns
  24. We went back due to weather
  25. Instructor, “Lets go with full power!”
  26. Instructor, “Go as fast as we can!”
  27. Radio: Frequency 121.3
  28. Approaching Chambly bassin (a call point)
  29. Radio: Contact to CYHU tower
  30. Cabin check before descending
  31. How to reduce speed on Cessna 172
  32. Radio: Tower contact on approach
  33. Final – RWY 06R
  34. After landing check list
  35. CPAQ
  36. Engine shut down

Other publications about Private Pilot Licence Flight training

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