This training, Flight for range and endurance, is included to the Private Pilot Licence program according Transport Canada.
For the training we used North VFR exit from CYHU (St Hubert airport). This video contains GPS track data that you will see time to time and it will show you where we are.
At the first time in my life I landed the aircraft at sunset – in low light condition. Additionally there was a significant side wind from the right . We worried that landing will be after sunset… I landed the aircraft at official daytime, but taxied during (official) nighttime 🙂
The video divided into chapters (see below). You can watch most interested moments for you!
Flight for Range and Endurance – Chapters:
- Check list: Before starting engine
- Engine start
- Check list: After engine start
- Radio: ATIS
- Altimeter, compass
- Instructor explains how use the radio
- Radio: Initial Ground contact
- Taxiing
- Before Take-off briefing
- Radio: Cross RWY 06L and contact tower
- Engine Run Up
- Check list: bebore take off
- Radio: Take off clearance request
- Take-off clearance
- Take off
- Instructor, look at your map
- Climbing to 1900ft (Best Climb Ratio)
- VTA Chart again
- Main Lesson: Max range (Cessna 172)
- Radio: Traffic advisory
- Main lesson: Endurance
- Steep turn
- Radio: Tower frequency
- Radio: Contact with tower
- Radio: Change up flight (Tower)
- Check list: Before landing
- Approach
- Final
- Landing
- Check list: After landing
- Radio: Contact to Ground
- Engine shut down