Alice started play girls soccer in Lasalle in the Summer 2012 you can read about it and see pictures in an article “Soccer for girls in Lasalle“. She played in Denmark team (yellow t-shirts). Last season was extremely difficult for her as well for her team because there was not constant team coach, team constantly lost their games so why lot of team’s player gave up. It led to inability to changes of players during the games in the hot summer in compare of enemy teams! Players from her team were really exhausted after games.
But in spite of this she liked this game 🙂
This season she plays in Norway team.
Game against Poland team 2013-06-03

Game against Croatia team 2013-06-05

Game against Greece team 2013-06-17

Game against Ukraine team 2013-06-26

Game against Denmark 2013-07-15

Last season Denmark team had small numbers of players i.e. no changes during the game. It seems situation for Denmark repeats they have no change today and it is very difficult for kids play in hot day without change.