Slow flight Cessna 172 procedure video

Slow flight on Cessna 172 is a mandatory procedure for PPL training according to Transport Canada

Slow Flight Procedure Video

This is full flight video (from take off to landing). Watch an explanation about the slow flight procedure at 25:48 (chapter “Slow Flight). You can also “jump” to any video’s chapter.

Video Chapters

  1. Engine start
  2. ATIS
  3. Brakes checking
  4. Radio: initial contact with Ground
  5. Engine run-up
  6. Before take-off check list
  7. Hold position
  8. Give way to a track 🙂
  9. Mic problems
  10. Setting up the mic
  11. Pre take-off briefing
  12. Tower: hold short
  13. Take off
  14. Changing frequency
  15. St Mathias airport
  16. Increasing alt after St Jean Baptiste
  17. Traffic advisory
  18. Climbing to 5000ft
  19. Lesson “Slow flight” is started
  20. Slow flight Cessna 172 procedure (a certified Canadian instructor explains the procedure)
  21. How to know that stall is comming?
  22. Stall
  23. Stall
  24. Spin!
  25. (My) Slow Flight
  26. Traffic advisory
  27. Slow Flight (no flaps)
  28. Spiral
  29. Lesson is over, “Bring us back”
  30. Chambly bassin call up point
  31. Disp changes RWY
  32. Descent at your discretion…
  33. Descent check list
  34. Downwind
  35. Number 2 on RW06L follow Cessna at short final
  36. Base
  37. Final RW06L
  38. Landing
  39. After landing check list
  40. Gnd contact
  41. Shut down check list

Slow flight procedure’s performance Criteria:

– complete appropriate safety precautions before entering slow flight;
– stabilize and maintain the airspeed at 1.2 Vso, +/-5 knots;
– establish straight and level flight and complete level turns, with gear and flaps selected as specified by the instructor;
– maintain the specified altitude, +/-100 feet;
– maintain the specified heading during straight flight within +/-10°;
– maintain the bank angle within +/-10° during turns;
– roll out on a specified heading within +/-10°;
– maintain co-ordinated flight;
– divide attention between aeroplane and lookout;
– prevent a stall;
– recover promptly and smoothly to normal flight.

Transport Canada. Exercise 11 — Slow Flight

For flight simulators’ users

Default Cessna 172’s in Microsoft Flight simulator 2020 is very close to the real aircraft behaviour. Try to simulate this procedure in your simulator and see flight model behaviour. You can see all parameters such as IAS, RPM etc in the video above.

Write below in comments – was it easy to simulate slow flight on Cessna 172 in your simulator 😉

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